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Newbar Design Group

How we think

We are a small firm that will remain small. We are the quintessential trim rudder on the big rudder. Although our core team is small, we have the ability to increase our team size to accomodate any size project. We're flexible and able to adjust and move quickly to suit your needs.




don't like wasted space so we try and use every inch of space where possible. This translates into real dollars for our clients.


like to show off imperfections and try not to hide them. Every scar has a good story behind it.


like to use and show as much of the original building as possible on renovations


take a sensible approach to energy efficiency.


believe in Old Urbanism.


believe in helping the elderly by design for Aging in Place.


believe in helping the less fortunate by giving them a place to live that they're proud to call home.


What we do.


We provide architecture, interior design and master planning for a wide range of projects that include Senior Housing, Office, Restaurant, Retail, Afforadable to Market Rate Residetial.


Historic Tax Credit Applications.


Code and Life Safety Analysis.


Building Analysis on existing buildings and spaces.





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